Art in a ‘Cage’ - Opens 15th July 10am

Venue 142 of Cambridge Open Studios is the 'Pound and Keep' on Cage Hill aka ‘The Cage’ - the lock-up and fire station

My first solo exhibition..

From ‘Ophelia Fixation’ twist... to the Bathing Towel Series; the Blue Phase and other darker materials never exhibited before.

I'm exhibiting at ‘The Cage’ which is the 'Pound and Keep' on Cage Hill, in Swaffham Prior which in July will be venue 142 as part of Cambridge Open Studios July 2023.

The Cage is the Listed Pound walled enclosure surrounding the Keep which is a quirky building that was the village lock-up but now has no function. I have borrowed it temporarily from the Parish Council.

Come and see inside, the two cells are tiny and definitely not a place to be locked up in overnight!!

#swaffhamprior #thecage #thepoundandkeep #priorartsgroup #swaffhamprior #newwebsite #opheliafixation #bathingtowelseries #bluephase #newCOSprofile #onlineexhibition #cosart2023

Here is a what3words address:


Art in a ‘Cage’ - ‘Blue Phase’ & ‘Bathing Towel’ Series


Art in a ‘Cage’ - exploring the darker corners…