Commission Process
Mike is happy to discuss and provide a quote for new commissions.
He often works from photos as well as painting Plein Air for landscapes and exterior subjects.
To make the most of your commission, additional prints (or cards) can also be ordered.
Below are a few examples of projects that Mike has done: ‘The Barn, Johns Field’ – watercolour And a number of NHS Heroes
Hand Coloured Pen and Ink Prints
If you like a pen and ink drawing and would like a print of the drawing but would also like it hand coloured with watercolour washes, then please get in touch.
This is a relatively quick process and Mike will make time to hand colour these prints as quickly as possible.
Naturally, colours and effects will vary.
Previous Commission Work.
NHS Heros - ICU Doctor
“I think I have just about finished (I think) my next portrait in this wonderful scheme started by the incredible artist @tomcroftartist. I have tried a slightly looser quicker style next time. This is Will an ICU Doctor in Bristol - I wanted to capture both the PPE but also now that many of the male staff are now sporting mostaches, including Will. Thanks to Rob, his uni doctor friend for nominating him. “ #portraitsfornhsheroes #tomcroftartist #nhsheroes #nhs #supportthenhsstaff
NHS Heroes - wrapped up safely
Finished this third portrait in this wonderful scheme started by the artist @tomcroftartist. I think perhaps the last for me for a while. This is a very different style to many and I've enjoyed painting this one of the series most, it's hopeful. In a way many of the portraits can't be, still in the thick of the fight. This is Grace in a sweet daughter mother cuddle scene, I think both getting comfort in a slightly off-kilter world. Sometimes, getting under a blanket is the right answer.. Grace chose instead to pick a photo which would always remind her that during a time when the whole world is building up its defences we have to make sure we find the space to strip it all away and just BE! She is a psychiatrist and this is the second public health emergency she has worked in having previously volunteered during the Ebola response in Sierra Leone but this time was different as she is now also a mother. We agreed to dedicate this picture to all the NHS workers who are also parents who have to strip the “corona” off at the door and return home as just mum or dad. It's the boiled down essence of being human and that desire to keep your loved ones safe. @grace_har1 #portraitsfornhsheroes #tomcroftartist #nhsheroes #nhs #supportthenhsstaff #supportthenhs #coronavirus #oilpainting #priorartsgroup #paintinghatmissing #motherdaughter #keepthemsafe
This is Mike’s Uncle’s barn that he painted for a relative as a gift.